US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin meets NATO chief

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NATO chief and U.S. Defense Secretary discuss transatlantic security and defense issues

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III met NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at Pentagon on October 4 to discuss ways to strengthen NATO and defense cooperation between allies.

During the meeting, Secretary Lloyd Austin thanked NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg “for his steady leadership of the Alliance and for his efforts to keep NATO strong militarily, make it stronger politically, and give it a more global view”, Department of Defense Spokesman stated.

Secretary Austin also lauded NATO’s efforts by stating that the alliance’s “power comes not just from its military might but from its unity and sense of common purpose”.

According to the Department of Defense Spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Anton T. Semelroth, Secretary Austin highlighted the NATO partners’ cooperation during the military drawdown and following civilian evacuation from Afghanistan. Secretary Austin also praised NATO’s vital role during the end of military mission in Afghanistan and the evacuation process.

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg also welcomed the United States’ strong commitment to NATO, and paid tribute to all the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces for their efforts and sacrifices.

On Afghanistan, Secretary General Stoltenberg stated that the mission was not in vain and the allies successfully managed to prevent terrorist attacks from Afghanistan against the West.

NATO Secretary General also stated that the allies are committed to work together to make sure that the gains of Afghan war are preserved.

During the meeting, Secretary Austin and Secretary General Stoltenberg also discussed the future of NATO alliance, and reaffirmed that the alliance of the like-minded partners is the essential to promote decision making and implement action on transatlantic security and defense issues amid emerging threats and competition between major powers.

NATO Secretary General highlighted the importance of NATO amid China and Russia’s aggressive actions, as well as cyber, terrorism and climate change threats. Both sides recognized China and Russia as major security, economic and political challenge to NATO partners and stressed on the urgency to “stand together”, and “need to adapt the Alliance to the changing security environment”.

“NATO is adapting, responding to a more demanding security environment, and we need to maintain this momentum as we move forward”, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said.

Secretary Austin and Secretary General Stoltenberg also held deliberations on enhancing NATO’s role in the fight against terrorism, reviewed progress on decisions taken at the June 2021 NATO Summit, and looked forward to 2022 Summit in Madrid.

NATO Secretary General and Secretary of Defense also agreed to support initiatives that ensure that NATO continues to provide security to all citizens through 2030 and beyond.

“We need continued investment in NATO’s deterrence and defense, as well as a revised strategic concept that will guide the Alliance’s approach to the evolving strategic environment”, Secretary Austin said.

During the meeting, Secretary Austin stated that “NATO is a foundation on which we continue to build our collective security and shared prosperity. It’s the most powerful and successful Alliance in history and we’re going to keep it that way.